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Cambodial National Poilce Training Manual

Collection of weapons from the civil population must go hand in hand with measures to protect security of the people. EU ASAC has therefore implemented a programme of police capacity building in the areas where weapons collection efforts have been made. The most important element of police capacity building is police the training of the police to improve police-community relations.

For these trainings, a curriculum has been defined and a manual has been produced by a team of specialists from Cambodian human rights organisations and from the police training department in the Ministry of the Interior.

This training curriculum is conceived for 10 days of training [1] on subjects of human rights, good governance, decentralisation, the arms law, criminal investigation and report writing

The manual contains 180 pages A4 format (in Khmer only) and a first edition has been printed in 5000 copies

Public awareness training manual

Public awareness building is a separate programme component and an important element of EU ASAC’s weapons collection project. For public awareness trainings, a training manual has been produced. This manual covers topics as weapons and development, Buddhism, arms law, human rights, the role and responsibilities of the police, community action on small arms

A first edition was produced in 2002 and contains 49 pages A4 format (in Khmer only). A second edition in 2003 had more graphic elements added to respond to the limited literacy of the trainees and had a section about mine awareness added. It contains 59 pages A4 format (in Khmer only). 10,000 copies of each edition were printed.

Education material on Small Arms

This training book was produced by the Working Group for Weapons Reduction (WGWR) with financial support from EU ASAC. This booklet is composed mainly of existing and new graphic material. It however also contains the policy statements of the three main Cambodian political parties on the subject of small arms reduction in Cambodia. It contains 16 pages A5 format and was printed on 12,400 copies.

 Relevant Documents
 [1] Ten Days Training Program

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