The European Union in the World The European Union's Assistance on Curbing Small Arms
and Light Weapons (EU ASAC) in the Kingdom of Cambodia
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Traditional actors integrate the local police into their performances to encourage local residents to voluntarily hand in their weapons (above). Hundreds from the surrounding villages gather to watch the performance (below).

Since 2001, EU ASAC has been supporting the Working Group for Weapons Reduction in Cambodia (WGWR) and the Cambodian Institute for Human Rights and Development (CIDH) to implement large scale public performances focusing on the message that weapons possession has a negative impact on society.
In 2002 and 2003, WGWR held a series of public events during the Water Festival, the largest public holiday in Cambodia when over two million people come to Phnom Penh to watch the boat races and celebrate the end of the monsoon season. Students from the Royal University distribute flyers and hold discussions whilst traditional theatre and music performers attract large crowds with their performances centred around the issue of small arms.

WGWR also implement similar activities at provincial level and in 2003 over 15 such events were held.

CIDH also implement traditional theatre performances in remote provinces which draw crowds of over a thousand in areas where communities do not have access or resources for entertainment purposes. In 2003, CIDH implemented over 20 such events.

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