The European Union in the World The European Union's Assistance on Curbing Small Arms
and Light Weapons (EU ASAC) in the Kingdom of Cambodia
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Weapons Destruction

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Media Coverage

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Utilising various media outlets to disseminate the small arms message is an effective means of reaching large numbers of people across the whole country. In cooperation with organisations such as the Working Group for Weapons Reduction in Cambodia (WGWR), the Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia and FIT Media, EU ASAC has supported radio broadcasts, TV debate shows, TV public awareness announcements and public awareness documentaries and dramas.

 General Coverage
 Campaign Against the Arms Trade Journal article, October 2002
 Destruction Coverage
 Cambodia Daily Kampot Destruction Story (page 1) June 6, 2003
 Cambodia Daily Kampot Destruction Story (page 2) June 6, 2003
 Koh Santepheap Kampot Destruction Story August 6, 2003
 Media Coverage
 Media Coverage 2002
 Media Coverage 2003
 IANSA Week Activities 2003

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