The European Union in the World The European Union's Assistance on Curbing Small Arms
and Light Weapons (EU ASAC) in the Kingdom of Cambodia
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In cooperation with ADHOC, EU ASAC has produced over ten thousand public awareness posters. The seven poster designs aim to raise local awareness on the new draft arms law, the link between security and sustainable development, and also the importance of establishing and maintaining good police – community relations. EU ASAC staff and representatives of local partner NGOs distribute the posters to police posts, schools, commune and district civil offices, NGO offices and houses of prominent local individuals. EU ASAC also produces posters and flyers announcing upcoming Flame of Peace weapons destruction ceremonies to ensure they remain high in the public profile. These posters are distributed in Phnom Penh and the relevant province and are also published as advertisements in local newspapers.

 Police Community Relations Posters
 Negative behaviour for off duty police public awareness poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC December 2002.pdf
 Positive behaviour for off duty police public awareness poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC December 2002.pdf
 Positive police-community relations public awareness poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC December 2002.pdf
 Small Arms Awareness Posters
 Hand in your weapons for peace public awareness poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC 2001.pdf
 New Arms Law Public Awareness Poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC December 2002.pdf
 Weapons for Development Public Awareness poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC December 2002.pdf
 Weapons have negative social effects public awareness poster produced for EU ASAC by ADHOC 2001.pdf
 Flame of Peace Posters
 Kampong Speu June 2002
 Siem Reap September 2002

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